Akash Network

NameAkash Network (AKT)
Price$2.7769692   0.70% (1D)

Akash Network Market

Market Cap$689,482,001
Total Supply$239,768,940
Circulating Supply239,768,940
Percent Change(1H)0.24%
Percent Change(24H)0.70%
Percent Change(7D)-7.07%
Percent Change(30D)-7.86%
Percent Change(90D)21.35%

Akash Network Price History

Below table is the Akash Network price history for one month, also lists live data for Akash Network which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
2.7769692 689482000.81668 5563494.1733054 0.6967858 -7.06869254
2.7426538 680961982.51096 6457626.5296912 -4.09198842 -10.95317616
2.7232216 676137238.60907 7774847.3225828 -3.65764159 -10.89700872
2.7424694 680916204.41333 8893792.3487965 0.37315605 -17.27775397
2025-01-24 2.7957251 694138838.62308 10352263.295472 2.59231767 -13.64470896
2025-01-23 2.7257854 676773797.94181 8041729.752697 -5.58004367 -12.35642032
2025-01-21 2.9613713 735266437.67532 13157780.840586 4.09594436 -1.63848313
2025-01-20 2.8448480 706335335.3255 18234635.787819 1.45859845 -1.95136985
2025-01-19 2.8039496 696180852.20671 26681808.910305 -8.90512242 -7.42385443
2025-01-18 3.0780541 764237101.65404 13020530.748099 -6.2998168 -0.7264355
2025-01-17 3.2850033 815619645.04544 11227366.708357 7.35131385 4.36116176
2025-01-16 3.0600494 759766802.83764 13632177.504405 -4.49881436 0.034663
2025-01-15 3.1861570 791077511.98179 12255669.353032 5.46573107 -1.02418465
2025-01-14 3.0210353 750080148.29479 8716218.1862921 3.39243787 -15.54995337
2025-01-13 2.9219113 725469061.12664 18995021.893752 -2.63229529 -23.65297487
2025-01-12 3.0009039 745081814.66179 7026046.4752242 -3.30829697 -13.96159199
2025-01-11 3.1036348 770588422.86794 7009975.7688982 -1.35144654 -9.85640431
2025-01-10 3.1460332 781115362.17538 15713234.29283 2.52585951 -9.29873176
Cryptocurrency Akash Network date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Akash Network worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Akash Network worth is $2.7769692.