Baby Doge Coin

NameBaby Doge Coin (BabyDoge)
Price$0.0000000   0.74% (1D)

Baby Doge Coin Market

Market Cap$365,260,409
Total Supply$205,598,276,689,105,952
Circulating Supply143,788,799,573,309,472
Percent Change(1H)0.27%
Percent Change(24H)0.74%
Percent Change(7D)-15.32%
Percent Change(30D)-32.77%
Percent Change(90D)-12.06%

Baby Doge Coin Price History

Below table is the Baby Doge Coin price history for one month, also lists live data for Baby Doge Coin which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
0.0000000 365260409.31737 30321250.480924 0.73862022 -15.31576458
0.0000000 362088280.40512 35035260.250729 -3.56226783 -19.44445013
0.0000000 354530926.16839 38194184.124218 -3.97260196 -21.81783039
0.0000000 352986829.72359 43464131.612095 -0.99510657 -29.93493146
2025-01-24 0.0000000 367205032.2344 50494116.32361 2.38470089 -26.56539051
2025-01-23 0.0000000 358837408.66482 62319426.311146 -2.61213895 -22.80955442
2025-01-21 0.0000000 366342103.1065 156057690.97132 3.50497482 -18.93584528
2025-01-20 0.0000000 353936739.96559 188559875.47302 -2.84161051 -18.37013568
2025-01-19 0.0000000 364288404.72173 217351594.93472 -16.87376036 -18.92701753
2025-01-18 0.0000000 438235213.13851 128598139.90815 -13.20041958 -4.23036672
2025-01-17 0.0000000 504881723.21 141700071.03418 11.09612636 10.19848454
2025-01-16 0.0000000 454454844.00554 64302747.853977 -4.94271119 2.65653442
2025-01-15 0.0000000 478845653.54902 70180266.527942 5.40978761 5.76829783
2025-01-14 0.0000000 449526700.91245 45967699.799059 4.8196615 -6.86618287
2025-01-13 0.0000000 428857244.26655 81100225.989495 -2.44415924 -21.77893369
2025-01-12 0.0000000 439601818.49883 38673095.443788 -3.27530308 -19.15831386
2025-01-11 0.0000000 454352357.00232 45987572.291015 -0.00135285 -17.75831551
2025-01-10 0.0000000 454490975.96006 70269942.831601 3.31070749 -19.87508115
Cryptocurrency Baby Doge Coin date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Baby Doge Coin worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Baby Doge Coin worth is $0.0000000.