Bitcoin SV

NameBitcoin SV (BSV)
Price$52.6930310   2.97% (1D)

Bitcoin SV Market

Market Cap$1,044,171,690
Total Supply$19,712,816
Circulating Supply19,712,816
Percent Change(1H)0.07%
Percent Change(24H)2.97%
Percent Change(7D)-3.76%
Percent Change(30D)0.08%
Percent Change(90D)14.67%

Bitcoin SV Price History

Below table is the Bitcoin SV price history for one month, also lists live data for Bitcoin SV which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
52.6930310 1044171689.5177 48216580.436765 2.97370764 -3.76034595
52.3809854 1037981442.2886 48672119.509687 0.31759925 -6.03930753
51.4878193 1020277316.8908 49717156.310798 -0.31527529 -7.0660535
51.2120645 1014808027.3512 51734062.447813 1.57086793 -12.26631947
2025-01-24 51.7865715 1026185546.2622 56342961.132042 2.2799591 -12.70721051
2025-01-23 50.6385182 1003415214.3112 57207722.710286 -2.65814606 -12.27129785
2025-01-21 52.9856457 1049878778.7811 71851670.548535 1.1994753 -3.47046865
2025-01-20 52.3576289 1037411277.5903 104815493.03583 2.6754907 -3.20802942
2025-01-19 50.9933077 1010356858.2385 93972787.424925 -8.67263396 -11.72297512
2025-01-18 55.8357368 1106277640.333 80633206.533044 -5.4863117 -3.06328149
2025-01-17 59.0768785 1170470439.2569 79595339.668338 4.23371486 -7.74792287
2025-01-16 56.6773223 1122900849.9298 75332284.954966 -1.24870614 9.7084906
2025-01-15 57.1066620 1131380591.6408 68023597.417032 3.52404027 7.1681346
2025-01-14 55.1627061 1092842332.8067 82048488.251709 1.99974214 2.17946089
2025-01-13 54.0812211 1071392592.7592 89991577.179654 -5.56951839 -7.28590507
2025-01-12 57.2709364 1134558369.2331 81627328.891794 -0.87009055 0.43065405
2025-01-11 57.7826062 1144669637.6083 217743074.38606 -6.13173899 0.58474137
2025-01-10 61.5942429 1220149808.1891 393567941.10909 19.26343755 11.01446286
Cryptocurrency Bitcoin SV date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Bitcoin SV worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Bitcoin SV worth is $52.6930310.