Convex Finance

NameConvex Finance (CVX)
Price$3.5118457   -0.54% (1D)

Convex Finance Market

Market Cap$343,363,485
Total Supply$99,614,444
Circulating Supply96,166,680
Percent Change(1H)0.85%
Percent Change(24H)-0.54%
Percent Change(7D)-18.60%
Percent Change(30D)-20.25%
Percent Change(90D)128.27%

Convex Finance Price History

Below table is the Convex Finance price history for one month, also lists live data for Convex Finance which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
3.5118457 343363485.17058 16034790.719372 -0.54105024 -18.60002828
3.4568133 337982223.73426 17727124.941681 -5.53918688 -20.96243516
3.4851634 340753760.34422 19745937.934906 -3.90662646 -19.5323932
3.3551115 328037857.16347 20772585.512102 -3.85601984 -30.30990474
2025-01-24 3.5753810 349574061.23663 22447881.03575 2.72969741 -25.70364004
2025-01-23 3.4805641 340301943.6205 20171179.089099 -6.30951427 -24.19791211
2025-01-21 3.8332670 374780080.26302 27228691.356717 3.20599046 -11.06488868
2025-01-20 3.7141904 362677917.8182 35883707.705296 -1.67552307 -9.91150884
2025-01-19 3.7774830 368856956.98507 35928474.969233 -14.81084569 -7.37962305
2025-01-18 4.4342299 432983444.83106 31401206.989687 -9.05021552 5.00911283
2025-01-17 4.8754705 476066870.93627 28129428.256368 8.0538495 18.41514913
2025-01-16 4.5120748 440579571.8653 27256675.445137 -2.79094683 10.46570318
2025-01-15 4.5767451 446890028.42352 26090636.963986 5.53772995 6.1242608
2025-01-14 4.3365961 422903519.26505 21316992.675381 6.35433199 -7.45227089
2025-01-13 4.0774984 397634911.23184 37474638.060842 1.11099029 -21.60924153
2025-01-12 4.0326955 393264660.79269 30248157.302798 -4.84756884 -24.53314293
2025-01-11 4.2396173 413442231.4814 28834052.482697 2.61954724 -22.91007398
2025-01-10 4.1325446 402999391.81727 35472462.497553 0.83341167 -27.54293051
Cryptocurrency Convex Finance date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Convex Finance worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Convex Finance worth is $3.5118457.