Keep Network

NameKeep Network (KEEP)
Price$0.1380619   4.43% (1D)

Keep Network Market

Market Cap$131,721,546
Total Supply$999,848,781
Circulating Supply951,288,443
Percent Change(1H)0.32%
Percent Change(24H)4.43%
Percent Change(7D)1.14%
Percent Change(30D)7.94%
Percent Change(90D)31.13%

Keep Network Price History

Below table is the Keep Network price history for one month, also lists live data for Keep Network which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
0.1380619 131721546.37185 13348.01452496 4.43156782 1.14130634
0.1373657 131057303.33045 11452.01253472 4.4037199 -0.40297803
0.1335350 127402534.14131 10959.4568283 1.42205406 -2.78199933
0.1314176 125382338.96359 11541.63050695 1.51557051 -7.46365696
2025-01-24 0.1321557 126086568.43142 11354.68888128 2.43473393 -4.36083386
2025-01-23 0.1290116 123086869.62069 17029.25309203 -2.88332219 -4.2352401
2025-01-21 0.1296484 123694446.60685 21573.69827404 -0.01624709 -3.77732287
2025-01-20 0.1296695 123714546.62037 23273.65812369 -2.74982556 -4.5892381
2025-01-19 0.1333360 127212673.22872 25541.40869488 -1.60718048 -6.3632386
2025-01-18 0.1355139 129290606.61519 13877.88628689 -3.46544224 -0.99494465
2025-01-17 0.1403787 133931940.65764 32893.93551485 3.4057289 7.2473632
2025-01-16 0.1357552 129520812.90552 13079.56935405 -2.99503528 10.72502868
2025-01-15 0.1385312 132169341.03903 24067.99955896 2.51964627 14.62720959
2025-01-14 0.1351265 128920988.16418 34746.83283865 1.43240085 4.42618152
2025-01-13 0.1332183 127100400.93621 70147.83701452 -6.54190622 -10.12387302
2025-01-12 0.1425434 135997210.93969 25484.97451516 4.70617759 14.15148925
2025-01-11 0.1361365 129884610.50966 12692.8247319 4.25076968 2.52484228
2025-01-10 0.1305856 124588634.60827 25914.73719412 6.58313578 -5.03113321
Cryptocurrency Keep Network date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Keep Network worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Keep Network worth is $0.1380619.