Nakamoto Games

NameNakamoto Games (NAKA)
Price$0.6964292   -1.49% (1D)

Nakamoto Games Market

Market Cap$72,403,327
Total Supply$180,000,000
Circulating Supply90,463,652
Percent Change(1H)0.76%
Percent Change(24H)-1.49%
Percent Change(7D)-11.85%
Percent Change(30D)-31.02%
Percent Change(90D)-33.86%

Nakamoto Games Price History

Below table is the Nakamoto Games price history for one month, also lists live data for Nakamoto Games which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
0.6964292 72403326.916711 11260529.557139 -1.49275241 -11.85131998
0.6957558 72333313.479751 11336923.735796 0.49370949 -18.73631876
0.7105994 73876510.55958 11483307.338988 1.97319485 -19.23407597
0.6917469 71916536.712923 11590327.611246 1.29248493 -25.57409638
2025-01-24 0.7144780 74279741.747774 11490117.172272 6.63091542 -22.72385286
2025-01-23 0.6700477 69660605.891037 11688185.538029 -11.30768471 -21.22082795
2025-01-21 0.7314696 76046250.990487 13586322.86498 6.4311161 -8.1899224
2025-01-20 0.6872704 71451144.903423 14229932.104098 -2.94874163 -14.04850765
2025-01-19 0.7081520 73622069.51447 14515935.093775 -11.23863609 -9.96374178
2025-01-18 0.7978156 82943824.056689 13329858.125004 -14.47538124 -1.2380322
2025-01-17 0.9328491 96982395.55136 14229388.521755 13.15918269 13.42543285
2025-01-16 0.8243689 85704397.334207 13082137.117365 -3.28830333 3.30278234
2025-01-15 0.8457470 87926948.349332 13820334.672995 5.67451772 -0.38374141
2025-01-14 0.8002131 83193081.138668 13576787.053024 0.3163518 -12.24933531
2025-01-13 0.7966157 82819080.216967 14081504.042401 2.23074618 -17.24137329
2025-01-12 0.7792330 81011910.126673 13119528.090205 -4.18315418 -21.3195743
2025-01-11 0.8132350 84546877.882268 13378245.228538 -1.86151272 -20.92029528
2025-01-10 0.8277765 86058668.556799 13626167.183508 3.59478117 -18.65733752
Cryptocurrency Nakamoto Games date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Nakamoto Games worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Nakamoto Games worth is $0.6964292.