PUPS (Ordinals)

NamePUPS (Ordinals) (PUPS)
Price$0.7650432   0.00% (1D)

PUPS (Ordinals) Market

Market Cap$5,944,386
Total Supply$7,770,000
Circulating Supply7,770,000
Percent Change(1H)0.00%
Percent Change(24H)0.00%
Percent Change(7D)-29.81%
Percent Change(30D)-59.94%
Percent Change(90D)-39.74%

PUPS (Ordinals) Price History

Below table is the PUPS (Ordinals) price history for one month, also lists live data for PUPS (Ordinals) which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
0.7650432 5944385.528491 78.76477615 0 -29.80766836
0.7650432 5944385.528491 78.52046183 0 -29.80766836
0.7650432 5944385.528491 78.25924376 0 -29.80766836
0.7650432 5944385.528491 78.53496183 0 -29.80766836
2025-01-24 0.7650432 5944385.528491 79.36701152 0 -29.80766836
2025-01-23 0.7650432 5944385.528491 77.85039418 -2.55733944 -29.80766836
2025-01-22 0.7851214 6100393.2920231 78.473225 -27.96550173 -27.96550173
2025-01-21 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1285.15332583 0 2.47828408
2025-01-20 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1243.89374717 0 7.26549367
2025-01-19 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1270.80372633 0 7.26549367
2025-01-18 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1251.16007174 0 7.26549367
2025-01-17 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1270.22377098 0 7.26549367
2025-01-16 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1203.44918685 0 7.26549367
2025-01-15 1.0899242 8468710.7406833 1194.10054022 2.47828408 -39.17242439
2025-01-14 1.0635660 8263907.633697 1158.88030839 4.67143809 29.90452534
2025-01-13 1.0160995 7895093.240814 0 0 24.10694618
2025-01-12 1.0160995 7895093.240814 0 0 24.10694618
2025-01-11 1.0160995 7895093.240814 0 0 24.10694618
Cryptocurrency PUPS (Ordinals) date and price chart.

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How much is 1 PUPS (Ordinals) worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one PUPS (Ordinals) worth is $0.7650432.