Price$666.2236349   2.49% (1D)

BNB Market

Market Cap$94,921,294,149
Total Supply$149,537,845
Circulating Supply149,537,845
Percent Change(1H)-0.33%
Percent Change(24H)2.49%
Percent Change(7D)1.00%
Percent Change(30D)-2.41%
Percent Change(90D)1.06%

About BNB

BNB is a crypto asset similar to other digital assets on the market. BNB is launched by Binance, called Binance Coin, It was launched originally on the Ethereum blockchain but later migrated to the Binance Smart Chain, now called BNB Chain. Buying BNB can be success of the exchange, Binance has also built a decentralized exchange on the BNB Chain, in a similar way to buying a share in a company.

BNB Price History

Below table is the BNB price history for one month, also lists live data for BNB which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
666.2236349 94921294148.545 1889576925.1533 2.48558458 1.0041949
669.7843436 95428621591.853 1917466322.9675 3.99617679 1.06633351
658.9320334 93882447113.847 1736038172.9567 0.37342467 -0.998536
657.2570126 93643808853.986 1962139093.7441 -0.36198756 0.02424221
650.0657021 92619226035.336 1941333026.1229 -0.27024672 -1.76489873
2025-02-21 644.0470836 91761722460.784 1914748844.6062 -1.69385247 -2.83093312
2025-02-20 655.1442608 93342876980.524 1734765580.775 0.60487295 -2.82773259
2025-02-19 651.8516642 92873855930.02 1850562294.2143 1.44537274 -6.68859948
2025-02-18 642.4722894 91537629328.512 1972136582.5843 -4.10983414 0.38029022
2025-02-17 670.0085287 95461037209.26 1965607224.7829 -1.42130437 9.41054391
2025-02-16 679.6686895 96837493918.387 2006833494.4848 2.56144101 12.23167898
2025-02-15 662.6407823 94411521487.886 1871893214.1677 -0.02408261 6.60415072
2025-02-14 662.8004019 94434416325.493 2567645330.1005 -1.69733629 15.55275513
2025-02-13 674.2446002 96065255014.76 5193530760.9368 -3.48309072 16.0993257
2025-02-12 698.5766590 99532615707.746 2919594178.2028 9.13482124 22.63098992
2025-02-11 640.0676033 91196473237.225 2143051026.4008 4.51793894 14.38181013
2025-02-10 612.4729186 87264891852.855 1886900562.9834 1.21506434 0.02545017
2025-02-09 605.1203174 86217373779.095 2599725395.6167 -2.63790282 -1.92735564
2025-02-08 621.5900393 88564147158.024 2061980135.6343 8.36813222 -5.6289658
Cryptocurrency BNB date and price chart.

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BNB Guides

What is BNB?
Binance Coin, BNB is the exchange token of the Binance crypto exchange, It is primarily used to pay transaction and trading fees on the Binance exchange.


How does BNB offer discounts on Binance exchange?
When you use BNB to cover your trading fees or to pay transaction fees, you can unlock some discounts.

What is BNB and BUSD(Binance USD)?
BNB's a native cryptocurrency of the Binance blockchain, and BUSD's, a Binance's US dollar-pegged stablecoin.

How much is 1 BNB worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one BNB worth is $666.2236349.