Price$687.8571222   0.99% (1D)

BNB Market

Market Cap$98,006,574,480
Total Supply$149,537,845
Circulating Supply149,537,845
Percent Change(1H)-0.07%
Percent Change(24H)0.99%
Percent Change(7D)-2.06%
Percent Change(30D)-0.04%
Percent Change(90D)17.40%

About BNB

BNB is a crypto asset similar to other digital assets on the market. BNB is launched by Binance, called Binance Coin, It was launched originally on the Ethereum blockchain but later migrated to the Binance Smart Chain, now called BNB Chain. Buying BNB can be success of the exchange, Binance has also built a decentralized exchange on the BNB Chain, in a similar way to buying a share in a company.

BNB Price History

Below table is the BNB price history for one month, also lists live data for BNB which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
687.8571222 98006574479.864 1466736386.993 0.98843592 -2.05523403
685.3151368 97644400235.281 1528619848.1841 -0.12297481 -2.81972724
681.5848230 97112912184.166 1564014158.9535 -0.72831006 -2.62997453
682.1528236 97193849647.954 1738980192.2749 -0.38867086 -5.0041174
2025-01-24 683.6827473 97411841862.255 1882199834.5885 0.13534479 -5.44449544
2025-01-23 682.6659023 97267006390.283 2128637065.0125 -1.89326224 -4.40217802
2025-01-21 691.8166006 99625390662.711 2008007872.6234 1.46864625 -0.98094303
2025-01-20 681.8033217 98183468599.147 2865652877.9006 -0.05886595 -0.94117107
2025-01-19 682.2049080 98241369491.121 2841079951.5828 -3.83690062 -1.55447771
2025-01-18 709.4248339 102161256173.53 2200623288.5394 -1.70774193 1.83281865
2025-01-17 721.7504692 103936271977.74 1946000435.8255 1.89925905 4.06932588
2025-01-16 708.2980543 101999101162.17 1899114340.189 -0.80854374 3.38200765
2025-01-15 712.2890212 102573877062.58 1814810948.046 1.81260809 2.28115477
2025-01-14 699.6078723 100747764403.43 1576557700.068 2.05602722 0.54168678
2025-01-13 685.5135276 98718135186.335 2120392256.0508 -0.75358485 -7.21330663
2025-01-12 690.7186789 99467766281.507 1282820570.3635 -0.97669063 -2.50695679
2025-01-11 697.5601486 100453014268.41 1290441059.2368 0.6431418 -2.34504653
2025-01-10 693.1543691 99818593143.199 1687862283.8377 0.74360536 -2.88197284
Cryptocurrency BNB date and price chart.

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BNB Guides

What is BNB?
Binance Coin, BNB is the exchange token of the Binance crypto exchange, It is primarily used to pay transaction and trading fees on the Binance exchange.


How does BNB offer discounts on Binance exchange?
When you use BNB to cover your trading fees or to pay transaction fees, you can unlock some discounts.

What is BNB and BUSD(Binance USD)?
BNB's a native cryptocurrency of the Binance blockchain, and BUSD's, a Binance's US dollar-pegged stablecoin.

How much is 1 BNB worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one BNB worth is $687.8571222.