Metal DAO

NameMetal DAO (MTL)
Price$1.1870289   1.65% (1D)

Metal DAO Market

Market Cap$93,287,291
Total Supply$66,588,888
Circulating Supply66,588,888
Percent Change(1H)-2.27%
Percent Change(24H)1.65%
Percent Change(7D)-5.98%
Percent Change(30D)5.67%
Percent Change(90D)29.07%

Metal DAO Price History

Below table is the Metal DAO price history for one month, also lists live data for Metal DAO which refeshes hourly with price, volume, market cap.
Date/TimePriceMarket CapVolume% Change 24 Hours% Change 7 days
1.1870289 93287291.362833 9094857.5400825 1.64780762 -5.98381149
1.2045743 94666165.79952 9008353.3008502 0.91863787 -5.36584225
1.1583661 91034713.121105 6093668.2930627 -0.31698379 -9.15429092
1.1815043 92853120.74878 3703458.9443748 3.21226105 -10.42081506
2025-01-24 1.1515775 90501206.758522 3861501.9946958 0.01373841 -13.53090269
2025-01-23 1.1513666 90484632.488442 4378035.30622 -4.13349457 -12.28327022
2025-01-21 1.1773728 92528432.355443 5474938.6876733 2.76091118 -13.11650642
2025-01-20 1.1457400 90042440.551857 11591377.45972 -1.19941156 -8.73332816
2025-01-19 1.1596489 91135530.642544 13061991.793638 -8.48695433 -9.84431331
2025-01-18 1.2671952 99587474.086438 7756527.7976877 -5.73872217 -5.07421418
2025-01-17 1.3443433 105650460.48119 6695843.3755718 3.09411753 5.34067429
2025-01-16 1.3039962 102479620.57773 11929034.769586 -2.85486838 -12.50736088
2025-01-15 1.3372045 105089429.30709 12135433.696716 -0.94244289 6.60047684
2025-01-14 1.3499268 106089259.99446 18677770.391569 7.98993869 11.07077513
2025-01-13 1.2500487 98239948.353349 43812894.581832 -1.94010066 -3.63454153
2025-01-12 1.2747807 100183611.2585 9922558.2279554 -4.86561547 1.0753935
2025-01-11 1.3395103 105270639.74569 38134672.116478 3.32366722 8.13757765
2025-01-10 1.2961922 101866314.1721 35280188.424709 -11.54547948 5.02770349
Cryptocurrency Metal DAO date and price chart.

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How much is 1 Metal DAO worth?
As on today's crypto exchange rates, one Metal DAO worth is $1.1870289.